




23 December 2023

Has been awhile since I've last posted an update.
To give a quick rundown and recount since the last update. Spent July in Kingston, Ontario taking a course with work, which gave greather insight into higher level operations in specific going into leadership poisitions. Immediately after took a few days off then a few days of work, then a nice long vacation for the end of August, which included a camping trip to Harrision Lake and 20 Mile Bay. We previously did the camping trip approximately 20 years ago, the road has seen quite some wear, and unfortunately ended up with a punctured tire.

September through December for me consisted of a considerable amount of work, including multiple weekends. Nicole spent quite a bit of time helping out with Scouting.

Finished leveling and graveling by the side of the house, and have put down pavers. All the gravel has been moved from the driveway, and is also by the houseside ready for a future project.

Will see what the rest of winter vacation brings, as have quite a number of family gatherings to kick it off.

25 June 2023
End June

Recently finished teaching for the last 5 weeks. Back into the office next week.

Dug out 4 yards of dirt, and ordered 4 yards of gravel. Leveling and making a work area by the side yard. Expected it to be done by now—Still isn't. Mowed the lawn in the first time in weeks, and the mosquitoes decided to feast upon me. Hopefully finish next weekend.

1 June 2023

The 1931 Canada Census was released today for viewing. Will need to carve out some time somewhere to go over it.

1 April 2023
New Fiscal

It's the start of a new fiscal year. Last few months have been busy, with a number of working weekends.

Foot has had inflammation a number of times since January, quite frustrating. Have changed lifestyle quite a bit, with cutting out a number of food related items and more exercise. On the plus side losing weight, down side is that some weekends are more limited in what I can do.

Nicole received a Roomba from her cousin for her Birthday, it's pretty industrious.

22 January 2023
Happy belated New Year

It's a New Year.

Spent New Year's day at work, hosting a New Years Levee as the President of the Mess. Thereafter had a few more days off then hit the ground running with work, which started quite busily, and will likely result in a busy spring and summer. Unfortunately for the last week have been mostly out of the office, but working at home, due to a inflamed foot and swollen leg—thankfully treatable. Intend to be, in some capacity, in the office next week (providing my shoes fit).

For some reason prior updates were not getting properly uploaded, including the entire site, that appears to now be resolved.